Who I Am Foundation is a national Non-Profit Organization. The organization is predominately focused on bettering our communities nationwide. Our goal is to help each individual we connect with define who he or she is by making available the proper resources. Each year our communities grow further and further apart. Resources are available however; the public does not recognize many of those available resources. Our mission is to be as proactive in the community as possible constantly retrieving feedback to continuously advance as new community issues arise. We believe our tri-annual campaigns and consistent outreach in a variety of avenues are the most effective way to address the issues our communities are facing.
To completely achieve our goals and aspirations, we’ll need 100 percent of participation from our communities nationwide. There are many great organizations to be involved in and apart of; and one of our major goals is to ensure that our communities are aware of the programs that are at their disposal. Who I Am Foundation realizes that there just isn’t enough sense of urgency to important issues and our community welfare. The foundation aims to implement more programs like outreach centers, phone hotlines, and positive community events.
Who I Am Foundation aims to reach communities nationwide to make an influential impact in lives to create a sense of urgency in spreading this significant message, amongst other important issues within our communities. As a community we can make change that will play an important role in our future, it starts with us. We need YOUR help to spread this powerful message
What are we all about?
-Albuquerque, NM
-Santa Fe, NM
-Phoenix, AZ
Rebuilding our teams in:
Beginning expansions into:
-Las Vegas, NV
-Sacramento, CA
-Tucson, AZ
-Las Cruces, NM
-Sioux FAlls, SD
For more information on how to get Who I Am Foundation in
your community or to start an I Am Center,
Contact: info@whoiamfoundation.org