Our Reason Is YOU! Whats Yours?
A Career with Who I Am Foundation inc.
We are always scouting for determined, motivated individuals who love to make others happy.
An absolutely brilliant way to incorporate yourself with Who I Am Foundation is to work with us! A career with Who I Am Foundation opens doors and windows to new opportunities that allow you to surround yourself by extraordinary people.
Our goal is to turn our communities back into that place we all like to call "home." With that new point of view, we can see our potential more clearly and dream bigger about our future. Our success is a result of committed, inspired employees and volunteers, working together to make a lasting impact on our communities nationwide.
An Opportunity for Growth?
Oh, you better believe it for Who I Am Foundation! But it's also true within our organization. We need talented and passionate people in a variety of areas including:
Executive Leadership
Fund Development
Program Director
Program Management
Marketing and Communications
Human Resources
Information Technology
We are committed to a diverse workforce with representation from every walk of life. We recognize how our organization is greatly enhanced when we unite people of diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives.