Volunteer Spotlight of the Week..
Lindsay is from Albuquerque, New Mexico. Her hobbies include reading, writing, singing, spending time with her two sons, and making people smile. Lindsay was prompted to join Who I Am Foundation because for as long as she can remember, all she truly wanted to do was leave a positive mark on the world. If by making a difference in one person’s life, it is worth all the effort a person can give. When she learned about what Who I Am stands for, Lindsay knew she was exactly where she was destined to be. Who I Am Foundation has benefitted her life in such a way, that at times it’s a challenge to call it “work”. Lindsay has met an amazing group of people with huge hearts and so much determination to better our communities, that is has changed her mindset from an “I have to” to an “I Get to” mentality. Who I Am Foundation has given Lindsay the opportunity to meet wonderful people who are actually Being the change we all hope to see within our community and has helped her grow in every way a person can. Six months from now, Lindsay sees herself continuing to pursue her dreams and making radical changes throughout New Mexico with Who I Am Foundation. She hopes to assist in bettering her community by raising awareness about issues that don’t get the attention they truly deserve, while offering support, assistance, and hope for those who have none. She wants to show people who have yet to write their success story, that it is possible to overcome any and all obstacles in life, and that anything is possible through determination and dedication. Three words to describe Lindsay would be Loving, Loyal, and Determined. Lindsay is our Assistant Event Coordinator.

Albuquerque, NM
