Just Became Easier
Who I Am

Stock up on great items and help your community all at once!

Featured items, Savings, and More

Festive Dishes

Winter Clothes

Assorted Books

At Who I Am Foundation we understand how difficult things may get sometimes. Not all of us are able to jump in our car and take a stroll to go shopping, so we’ve decided to bring it to you! Our generous donors are constantly donating great items for our Who I Am Online Shopping Mall. We all know the saying, “one persons trash is another persons treasure!” Take a look today to see if there are any items that spark your eye.
If you know of someone that is a victim or is in need of items but are unable to purchase them, please call 505.490.6388 or visit our office 2929 Coors Blvd NW Albuquerque, NM 87120 3rd Floor Executive offices. It makes us feel great to produce smiles. Call us today!

If you have placed an order for pick up, please call 505.490.6388 at least 4 hours before pick to give time to have your item(s) available.
Pick Up Days:
Mondays 10-4
Wednesday 10-4
Friday 10-4